rambling on

Well, for now I am unable to post pictures, so we will just have to do with text only. I'm sure you'll hardly notice because of all the amazing mental pictures I paint with my words (wink wink)!

We're all in recovery mode this week- we had sickness and company all at once last week and so we're trying to get back into the groove of things. Daisy, Hazel and I were doing battle with a lovely intestinal bug (complete with fever and headaches) when our wonderful little Ava (my neice from MN) came to visit with her mom & dad. We are holding our breath and hoping they did not take it back with them. We had a very nice visit despite the circumstances, and can't wait to see them again next month when we make our trip up north.

In school today we built a water treatment model for Daisy's science lesson, and watched our bottle of muddy water turn into clear water before our very eyes! Very educational. After that, we got the call from Jason's brother in TX that their baby girl had been born (Welcome, baby Cali!!) and we have just not been able to get much work done with all the excitement! Thinking about tiny little baby toes is ever so much more enjoyable than doing math problems...


  1. Hey it's Trevyn,
    I just wanted to say hi to everyone and Merry Christmas!

    I saw Cali she's adorible!

  2. Hey,its Zane I hope you had a Merry Chistmas.Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
