look ma, no diapers!

Stella is offically potty trained! Well, I wouldn't even call it trained, so much as learned, because she pretty much did it herself. There wasn't much training involved on our part. She has been dry for over a week now, including night time, so I am going to pack away our wonderful diapers and wait impatiently for another baby to use them on! It's big girl underwear all the time for Stella now! (in fact oftentimes that is all she wears around the house- see picture)

Stella loves to sit on her potty and "read" too. Toy catalogs from Christmas are her big favorite right now. She spends a good amount of time in there everyday, and if I am waiting to help her finish up, she will sigh and say (in a very exhausted sort of voice), "Go out, Mommy!" Can't a girl get any peace in the john?

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