
We have had some coughing, body aches, and runny noses over the last few days, but nothing much to talk about. Daisy, Stella, and Jason (the man who never gets sick) have been fighting it off pretty well, and Hazel & I (miraculously) seem to be the lucky ones this time.

And then last night Stella really got sick. :( She was in our bed and tossing and turning, I had told her several times to lie still and go to sleep before she finally threw up all over the sheets. It had not even crossed my mind that she was so restless because she was feeling ill. I felt so bad for her. She had heaves about every 20 minutes from 11:30 until around 3 or so, and then the diarrhea started. She was so pitiful.

This morning, after a nice warm bath to get all the sick crud off, she seems to be feeling pretty good. She is thirsty, but I am taking it easy and hoping that she won't get sick again. So small sips of water and a little nursing to hold her over. She is happily watching Blue's Clues now, as I wash nearly every towel and bedsheet we own.

I guess the middle of the night is really the best time of day for a toddler to get sick. Yes, I lost a good bit of sleep, but it was easier for her to rest and not ask for food and drinks since it was dark. Georgia was a bit confused though- she is not used to so much activity in the middle of the night! She kept thinking it was play time when we all got up out of the bed again and again.

Hopefully nobody else catches this bug. Especially me. I had a stomach bug twice while I was pregnant with Stella and it really sucked. So far, so good. Nobody else is showing any symptoms. I lay in bed last night in between Stella's bouts of sickness just wondering if it was going to hit me next. I kept scanning my body for any sign of that yucky feeling you get, but never felt anything. Knock on wood.

1 comment:

  1. Eeee...sounds like you all got a touch of whatever we had going on last month. Illness will pass despite how it feels now, it will pass.
