baby update

We got to hear the heartbeat today (finally!) We found it right away, nice and strong. It was right at 160 beats per minute, which is on the high end of the averages. So, that lines up with all of our other girls and their quick prenatal heart rates! But, there is of course, no kind of certainty in that. And so the speculation continues...

And, just for fun, here is what I look like right about now. I am particularly impressed with myself for taking this photo all on my own. Still managing to wear regular pants on the cooler days since I have no maternity jeans that fit right now. Thank goodness for those larger sized jeans I had from after the other kids' births! Here's hoping for warmer weather and lighter-weight clothing soon!!


  1. Soo cool...Charlotte's was a nice fast girl pace...Peter's was a slower boys pace...but Felicities was kind of in the middle and more boyish paces at times. Guess, we'll all have to just keep waiting. ;)

  2. OK we need to get scientific here.
    Have Daisy hold your wedding ring on a chain over your belly. Is it circles for a boy or circles for a girl?
    Ah well, we all love it any way.

    P.S. I used the drawing site with my kids in class. They had a blast. I get pictures all the time,

  3. If you plan on becoming as large and healthy as you were with Daisy, Hazel and Stella--you better start eating more..Pops
