
OK so it has absolutely nothing to do with the girls, but that's kind of the point for me on Wednesday nights. There is a Yoga class here on post that meets at 7:20 pm on Wednesdays. It works out so great because we have time to get dinner finished and clean up, and if it is nice out I can ride my bike to class. Jason got me a head and tail light for my bike so I wouldn't be invisible on the way home from class! The other really good thing is that this is now Jason's night to get Stella in bed, which is pretty miraculous since she usually wants nobody but me. So it helps that I am out of the house and she has no choice.

So I get a night out of the house, some exercise & relaxation, and hopefully Stella is learning to be less Mommy dependant. Which is something that really needs to happen before the baby comes.

Yoga is going to get interesting hereafter though- tonight was the official last night for me to do any poses which require lying on my stomach. I can still do it on the bed, but on the floor it was really not comfortable. So, on to modifications. It will be interesting! There is no specifically "prenatal" class, so I just make my own modifications and my teacher suggests things when I am unsure. The stretching is great for me though, and I feel nice and loose now after the class and then the bike ride uphill into the raging desert wind on the way home. Ahhhhh, all ready for bed!

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