22 weeks

I've been feeling really great for the most part. I really overdid it with vacuuming out the van and spending a lot of time on my feet and also on my hands and knees deep cleaning the kitchen floor the past few days, and then drove to Vegas (3 hours each way) to pick up Lance & Monika at the airport, so I was pretty beat last night. But otherwise I feel very good and lots of movement from the baby. Off to the pool today to cool off- it will be near 100 again!


  1. Wow! Jennifer you look fantastic! I love these pictures.

    Summer has arrived in Georgia!
    Today was the last day of school, for the kids anyway.


  2. Ah...relatives, the things they make us do. You're a saint for putting up with so much company this summer. ;) I'd join you at the pool...but still waiting for my house to get back into shape...John will be back in the feild soon...so I predict the clutter will soon go out to the feild too.
