
I finally finished the shower curtain for the girls' bathroom last week. We decided to do ladybugs in their bathroom, and found this fabric that we loved. It was too busy to do the entire thing with just the print, so we chose to add some solid colors. The kids were thrilled with how it turned out!

I used another shower curtain as the model for size and spacing of the holes at the top. I did buttonholes on the sewing machine for reinforcement around the hooks. And I learned a new technique that I have been wanting to try out for a while: the Flat Fell Seam. I did all the seams in this manner, and I love how they look and how nice and flat they lie down. I also love that all the raw edges are enclosed, front and back. Very nice, finished look.

Now we just need to find a ladybug rug and some other accessories to decorate with!


  1. very cool - i like it alot!
    you are so talented - can sew anything & you cook from scratch most of the time. were do you find the engery & time??!!

  2. HA- I just don't clean my house much- that leaves LOTS of time and energy for other fun projects like cooking and sewing! (and knitting, and sitting at the computer fooling with pictures, and let's not forget eating...)

  3. It's so colorful, wowee! The stitch does look cool.
