exciting news

We got a phone call from the Naval Eye Clinic at Camp Pembleton yesterday. Jason has been on the waiting list for laser eye surgery for over a year now, and they were finally calling to schedule his consultation!! He goes in next week for that, and then if all goes well he will have the surgery the beginning of August. He is a bit nervous but we are both excited that he can get this done on the Army's dime and not have to pay for it ourselves (in which case he just never would have done it at all). The woman who I spoke with said that he looked like a perfect candidate judging by his previous eye exams, and since he does not wear contacts he is eligible to have the surgery right away (without the 2-6 week waiting period contact users have to go through without their lenses in).

So, barring any complications, Jason will be free from his glasses one month from now! What an amazing change that will be for him. I am so excited- he will be able to swim, play basketball, shower, and wake up in the morning without having to worry about where his glasses are or if they will get broken, etc. It's been about 25 years since he had that luxury. As a person with perfect vision, I cannot imagine how wonderful that is going to feel for him! I truly take my vision for granted.


  1. Sounds like a good opertunity to take a mini vacation...camp Pen is the last natural and untouched beach line in all of So Cal...I love just driving that route and seeing the ocean as I go by. Congrates, we'll pray things go smoothly.

  2. This is great...Mom & I are praying it all works out. We love each of you! Pops
