the puzzler

Daisy got this puzzle from Grammy & Pops for her birthday, and just finished it last week. She is very proud of it! It really is a very nice puzzle, and was just challenging enough for her so that it took a while to finish but didn't get too frustrating. She has the card table set up in her room so she could work on it a little at a time and it was relatively undisturbed by dogs and little sisters (Hazel did help some in the putting together of the puzzle). There was a little panic moment when it was all finished but was missing one piece, but a little detective work resulted in finding the renegade piece hiding at the bottom of a box of clothing which had been under the table for a few days (whew!)


  1. Wow, that's should glue that down and hang it on a the animals!

  2. way to go daisy! i might have given up on that puzzle. it looks challenging with all the animals & colors...

    just wondering... do you ever check your email anymore?

    i love you...aunt misty

  3. Great job! The pizzle looks good but you are absolutely beautiful! Grammy & I love you and are getting excited about coming out there in a few weeks!

  4. It looks great, Daisy! I'm glad you stuck with it and finished it. I love you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Grandma
