self portrait challenge

Anyone who reads the blog regularly knows that I have been doing a self portrait project during the past year. It started out as a way to document my pregnancy, but it turned into so much more than that. It has been a journey of self exploration that I am so thankful I began. Which is why I was so thrilled to come across the Self Portrait Challenge blog site.

This site presents a theme each month, and participants submit self portraits weekly in response to the theme. I am thrilled at the opportunity to continue with my self portraiture in a forum where I will be challenged regularly and receive feedback from others interested in photography and self growth.

The theme for November is "Glam", which is a stretch for me. I am not a Glam type of person for the most part. So for this first submission, I decided to put forth some images from my recent work, and then move forward next week with an effort to "Glam it up" a bit. We'll see how successful that ends up to be.

So the closest I have gotten to Glam is glamourous. And the most glamourous I have ever felt is during my recent pregnancy. Coincidentally, the self portraiture project that I began 7 months ago has had such a profound effect on my outlook, that it boosted my own perception of myself into the realm of feeling glamourous at times, which is really very unlike me in general.

Carrying a child is a powerful thing. The transformation one goes through is phenomenal- physically as well as mentally. During this, my fourth journey through childbearing, I gained a new appreciation for the shape my body took on. I enjoyed it and celebrated it. I am proud of who I am and how I look during pregnancy, and proud of what my body is doing- growing and protecting a wonderful new life. Through my portraits I explored the strength, beauty, and sexuality of a woman carrying a child. I felt more glamourous wearing the rounded shape of pregnancy than I ever have wearing any certain piece of clothing or jewelry.

So, here is a sampling of the more glamourous images I created from my time carrying Lyle:

18 weeks

20 weeks

31 weeks

38 weeks

40 weeks


  1. wow! that's one beautiful tummy!! :-)

  2. Oh WOW!!! I am done( i think... )having children and i always REFUSED to let anyone take pictures of me... Now aI am regretting that, these are fantastic!


  3. the last picture, as I scrolled down Charlotte let out a giggle. I said, "what"? C said, "she got a big belly." They're marvelous pictures! I don't know why she's giggling now. She's watched you all year.

  4. I've always felt like such a huge cow during pregnancy. But I still wish someone would have taken pictures of me so I could remember that I truly did cherish the thought of helping God grow a baby and I shouldn't have felt so ashamed of what was happening to ME, but instead focus on the baby. You've done such a wonderful job of epitomizing the true role of a woman during pregnancy. "Let it be done to me." And you've done it beautifully! Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures and thanks for giving me the inspiration to do something like this in my next pregnancy! Theresa

  5. Just beautiful. I love the 38 week one.It shows your full sillouette.
    Nothing is as amazing as a pregnant
    women.I'm always at awe. We come in so many shapes and sizes,and its always a precious life. Jennifer you are glamorous. Love ya, Karen

  6. I love the way you can see that your belly has dropped, ready for labour in the last photo!

  7. I always thought Mom was the most beautiful during her four pregnancies and I think that about you too! You are a beauty and I love you and your wonderful children and husband too, of course... You make me proud! Pops
