
Mmmmmmm. Have you ever had homemade egg nog? It was just wonderful. Especially when warmed up with a little of this and this. We used this recipe for our first effort, and it did not disappoint!


  1. I never knew that you're suppose to put spirits into the John wants to try this. Merry Christmas!

  2. Yup- but definitely make it a day ahead like the recipe says. It was nice and smooth then and not so strong. One batch provided maybe 6 mugs full? We kept it in the fridge for a couple of days and just sipped on it here and there. You can't really drink more than a mug at a time since it is so rich.

  3. I tried egg nog for the first time 2 days ago and hated it! It was store bought and I didn't add any liqour. Hmmm maybe I'll have to try it again the Bray way :-)
