klean water

The UPS guy delivered our new Klean Kanteens yesterday, and all the old plastic sippy cups and water bottles are now in the trash or recycling. Many of them were very old or made from unidentifiable plastic, and I just keep hearing about the bad stuff that can leach into liquids and foods from plastic. So we ordered one of these for each of us- 27 oz. bottles for Jason & me, 18 oz. for Daisy and Hazel, and a 12 oz. sippy for Stella (which will become Lyle's before long and we will get a larger one for Stella). So far I really like them and the girls are drinking lots of water which is always good!

They are available lots of places online, but we got ours from reusablebags.com (some of them were on sale right now). I plan to knit and felt some cozies for them, because they are quite cold to the touch with ice water inside. They do sell covers, but I figured we would like the homemade ones better around here. :)

Bottoms up!

1 comment:

  1. hoe are you liking them? i need to at the VERY least clean out all of johns sippy cups and get him a kk.
