

Yum. And it tastes even better eaten out of a one-of-a-kind blown glass bowl, I promise.

This is one of the beautiful pieces Jason & I chose from the gift shop at the Museum of Glass. It is just wonderful and I love it so much.


  1. Watermellon cubes...that's great! and looks way better than what happens when I try the mellon baller thing-a-ma-jig... a nice bowl indeed.

  2. yummy & i have to agree everything tastes better in lovely glassware!

  3. I always cut the whole melon up at once so we can eat it with forks- less messy than slices and more likely to get eaten up. I cut both ends off of it, then slice the rind off of all the sides so I just have the center of the melon, all in one piece (rinds go on the birdfeeder, of course!) Then I just cut the whole thing into cubes.
