rain, sweet rain

rain berries

It has rained 4 out of the 9 days since we got to Georgia. Which is both glorious and bothersome. We have been parched for 2.5 years living in the desert, and Georgia has actually had such a terrible drought this year, so it is quite wonderful to be getting the rain. At the same time, the week you are trying to get settled into a new home is really not ideal for rain- and the dirty feet and dampness that go along with it. By the looks of it though, we will have some nicer weather next week. And by then the kids and I will be ready to start getting out for walks and other outings once Jason is back to work and the house is in order. So I'm not going to complain about the rain.


  1. That picture makes me sigh. I have to say I'm so glad to see some rain. It's been a long while since I've wanted to curl up with a blanket and some hot cocoa. I'm loving it.


  2. That picture is beautiful. I love the rain. Even if it rained for one month straight I would love it. I like it more when I 'm not working and I can knit :-)
