new bike


It seems like we just bought Daisy a new bike. And here she is needing another, with those pesky growing legs making the other one too short and all. So we placed our order with our new local Trek dealer, the Hub- and yesterday went and picked up the bike, all assembled and accessorized and ready to go.


Man, have bikes changed since I was 13! I think that is around the time I got my first 10 speed with racing handlebars- and was I ever cool. It was blue and had those super skinny tires on it. I wish I had a picture to post!


We are planning to get out and bike together as a family more, now that Lyle has gotten big enough to fit our smallest helmet (good thing he likes pink flowers!) and Daisy can stretch her legs out a bit on the new bike. If you see us around town, be sure to wave! We'll be the giant gaggle of bicycles, trailers, flags, and bells by the side of the road. I'm sure we are quite the sight.


  1. Great bike...Beautiful girl! Who's going to pull Lyle on your hilly neighborhood? LYT!

  2. Aww! We need to get out and bike more too. We want to invest in the trailer thing so London can go. Any suggestions about those?

  3. How cool! Love the back to back Obama signs too... ;)

  4. whooo hooo Obama!
    I bought a bike has a flat for like a year.
