
protest poster

Today our family made some signs and went down to show our support for equal rights.

making posters

It was chilly and windy, but the kids did great and had lots of fun. Lyle took a nap in the Ergo and we got to take part in an awesome demonstration of love for our fellow human beings. We met up with our friends Rachel and Grace, who shared their extensive knowledge of protest chants with us! Hazel and Gracie were really into that, and even added dance moves sometimes. They got a good bit of attention!

hazel, gracie, stella- at protest

our group- athens protest

We think it is really important to help the kids learn that it is never ok to treat someone differently based on their skin color, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

athens, ga protest crowd

This goes right along with watching the election and learning about how our government works, and the process we go through to get laws made/changed. Getting firsthand experience is the best way to learn about something. Seeing it in action as the people of our country voice their concerns and fight to bring about change.

our group- athens protest

The energy in Athens was awesome today- there were lots of people out driving past and honking their support. We saw a real diversity in the supporters too, which was encouraging.

athens, ga protest crowd

We are really hopeful that our kids will witness the end of this discrimination within their lifetimes. So that they and their children will be able to say that they can barely remember a time when so many people in our country were denied rights granted to others.

jennifer & lyle

hazel at protest



  1. You got some nice pictures! Especially the one of me with my head out the window. :)

    I think it's definitly important for us kids to know about the world around us, instead of our parents keeping us from the truth.

    I had a great time at the rally, too. I loved looking at what all the people's signs said. Some were very clever!


  2. Beautiful photo of you and Lyle. I'm proud of your family. You continue to inspire me. My children participated in the protest today, also. I hope our children will witness an end to this discrimination. Love, Paulette

  3. I wish I could write as well as you! I just posted about this issue on my blog and wished I was as eloquent as you! Now I know better than to read your blog before I update my own! I know I inadvertently copied you. D'oh!

  4. Thanks from a Californian!
    Love, Denise, Iris, and Henry

  5. The kids all look great and I too love the pic of you and Lyle. We didn't make it to the protest, but we were definately there in spirit.

  6. Lyle had the warmest and best place for the day! Lyt!

  7. Beautiful post, Jennifer! It was a good day, and even better to spend it with you and yours.

  8. gr8 cause... and wonderful education for the kids.

    the picture of you and Lyle is a real keeper.

  9. Tears! Tears! Your family is Pure Love!

  10. so happy for you guys. We have been following this in our family also, I will have to keep my eyes and ears for a similar event near us. We support equal rights for all! I was very happy the other day when I saw that Connecticut allows gay and lesbian marriage!
