yes we CAN!!


Well folks, I won't even try to please everyone- I know we have diversity in our readership but WE ARE SO EXCITED about our new president! I think we will see some great changes in our country in the coming years. And I am so thankful our children are getting to watch first hand as our country makes such an historical change by choosing a black man to lead us.



We had a great time celebrating with friends last night, and the cookie decorating and coloring pages were a hit! We toasted CHANGE and HOPE after the votes went over 270, and then most everyone called it a night, but we stayed up to hear the speeches by McCain and Obama. We didn't want to miss that historical moment.


Daisy and Hazel were very attentive and have had a lot of questions about the whole process- today we've mostly been talking about how the President Elect does not get sworn in until January, and what will be happening between now and then. We are trying to imagine how it must feel for those girls to be packing their things to move to the White House!


I think watching this election and the events leading up to it has been a wonderful way for the kids (and us) to learn more about our government. We will be visiting D.C. in the spring and I know that it will all seem so much more significant to the kids since we have been learning about how a president is elected this fall. And watching everything happen in real life and just talking about it and asking questions has been so much more enjoyable to us than if we had just read about the election process in a textbook and then quizzed the kids on it. They are seeing it first hand, and that makes it exciting and memorable.


Political science- check. Art- check. Home Ec/Cooking- check. PE- check (there was much trampoline jumping with this balmy November weather!) So all in all, an excellent evening with lots of fun and learning for everyone. And, WE WON!! HOORAY!!



  1. We had the exact same coloring sheets that you had, and Luke gave his Obama striped hair, too. :D

  2. Thanks for hosting such an enormous night! What a blessing our country has received! As always, we had a great time and sorry the kids tuckered out so early, but Jason and I stayed up to watch the speeches as well.

  3. It was a great night for the USA (and the rest of the planet)...filled with change and hope all over the country...until Californians decided to stop gay couples from being able to marry each other...that put a damper on the evening.

    But it also is a reminder of how hard change can be...we have to keep fighting for change and progress.

  4. We have been celebrating all day.
    i did not expect it to be such a through win, before 11....that was fast!

  5. Wooo Hoooo!!
    Hey Jennifer....
    See you tomorrow at ace

  6. Oh How I wish my little fam could be a part of the bigger fam you have found in Athens. I love every bit of your life and wish I could bask in the beauty of your world.


    Viva L'Obama!!!!! I love him so. How good it feels to be proud of my (soon-to-be) President again....

  7. Obama is bi-racial.

  8. Are you implying that liberals are patriotic too?

  9. When you are PERSONALLY required to relinquish YOUR job and YOUR standard of life to someone of color, and you still believe in Diversity and Change, I will then acknowledge that you are a true believer.
    By the way, Obama's first pick for his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel is a Zionist Jew from the Clinton administration who will continue to urge a course of war in Iraq, Iran and Afganistan. His other picks will likely be recycled Democrats from past administrations or other liberal "academics" from elitist Northern Universities. Like Bush's administration, it will be heavily Jewish as they are his Groomers and Paymasters.
    Welcome to the real world.

  10. I can't wait for the redistribution of wealth!!!
    I really need some. It's the CHANGE I've been HOPING for.

  11. wow, that got a little ugly.

    J, there are stickers on that the first sticker is free or you can buy more than one. I got a handful, you know, mementos.

    they are by the same artist that did the other poster for him.

  12. Athens-Clarke County voted for Obama over McCain by a two-to-one margin. Way to go Athenians!

    Although Obama didn't win Georgia, he only lost by 5% when Bush won in 2004 by 17%. So hopefully in 2012 Georgia will turn 'blue' for Obama.
