postcards from the road

postcard 1- trip to MN

Off we go! We are planning to leave around 4 am (otherwise known as "crazy o'clock) to head for Minnesota. I'm going to post photos whenever I get a chance but probably not much text. We'll be gone for 13 days! Please send us lots of safe traveling vibes and cross your fingers for me that our car stays nice and organized like this. Yeah, right.


  1. Pops and GrammyJuly 10, 2009 7:03 AM

    Praying you all have a safe and fun filled trip and visit... We love and miss you all!

  2. Wow! Your van doesn't look nearly as cramped as ours when we go to Illinois. I'm so impressed. And our departure time goal is usually 4 a.m., although we don't usually leave to 5 a.m. How long does it take you? Our trip is only 10ish hours, although it's longer with a nursling.
