
Well our camera battery is dead, and for some reason I am much more motivated to blog when I can post pics. But our days are still chock full of activity, camera or no camera!

It's windy and cold today, with some rain last night and this morning. I'm ready for a little bit warmer weather- we had one day over the weekend when I was able to open the house up and it felt so good! We went for a bike ride too, which I have been missing during the windy, cold months. The wind can get so strong here that it is difficult to ride!

Today is our weekly play-date with some of our homeschooling friends. The girls look forward to it so much! It kills them that we don't meet until after lunch- the morning just drags on and on...

Hazel's birthday is coming up on Thursday this week, sneaking up on me as usual. We have her gift, but still need to make plans for her date with Daddy, which will be over the weekend. I can't believe she is going to be 7 years old! (sigh)

OK- I'm off to get Stella out of the bath, which has been her new favorite activity recently. She will take 2 a day if I let her, and stays in there until she gets completely shriveled! It's amazing that this is the same child who, 6 months ago, was petrified of being in the bath without one of those tub seats around her tummy. Now she wants the water as high as I can get it and she wants to "swim" on her tummy and splash water all over the entire bathroom. Ahhhh I love having a seperate bathroom for the kids!

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