another one bites the dust

Daisy came to bed with Hazel & I at about 8 pm, but just layed there feeling ill for a long time before she finally gave in. She fought the good fight, but it got the best of her. Jason kept having to come upstairs for bowl-dumping duty. The three of us kept him pretty busy for a while there.

Hazel & I started sucking on ice cubes early this morning, and I thought we were both past the worst part, but she just threw up again UGH. Poor thing. I on the other hand have been very lucky- I only threw up twice and then just felt ill all night long. This morning I finally think I am feeling better and hope to start drinking some more fluids pretty soon. My stomach actually feels hungry, so that's a good sign. No ER visits because of dehydration for me (whew!)

And the count is 4 down, 1 to go...

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