tiny plastic baby

We got this little baby from our midwife when I was pregnant with Hazel. It represents the size of a baby when a woman is 11-12 weeks pregnant. I am 11 weeks today, so we got the baby out to show the girls. It is so amazing to hold it in your hand and imagine our little one already that big! At this point, it already has recognizable fingers and toes, can swallow, and has tooth buds forming. Here are some awesome photos of babies at different stages of development.

We're over 1/4 of the way through- just starting to get interesting. I am experiencing a little heartburn (all those babies with full heads of hair, you know) and I *think* I may have felt a little fluttering a few different times, but nothing for sure yet. Can't button my pants, but haven't resorted to maternity pants yet either. Most of mine are capri pants anyway and it's not warm enough yet. I'll be huge before you know it though, just wait!

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