
Many of you probably do not stop by every day, but I know there are a few who do, so I want to apologize for my absence recently! We had houseguests for a week (my Mom & Dad were visiting from MN) and I spend a lot less time at the computer when we have company. They headed back Thursday morning and we headed out as well, to go camping in Joshua Tree Ntl. Park. We just got back yesterday afternoon after a great trip, and are in recovery mode today (cleaning, putting all our stuff away, bathing dogs, etc). I'll post pics and more details about our visit with Grandma & Grandpa as well as our camping adventures in the next day or two.


  1. Sounds like fun! I remember the Joshua Trees and the park. Hope you had a good time. When the girls feel like talking please call...Pops

  2. We have some family friends who work for the forestry service up there. We went the summer we were first arrived back in CA. Very nice up there.
