setting up camp

We traveled just a few hours away to camp and explore at Joshua Tree National Park. We chose one of the more modern campgrounds offered, as we are still fairly inexperienced as a camping family. So we had a nice clean bathroom facility with running water, as well as a drinking water spigot just a short walk from our little campsite plot.

We got there about 4:30 on Thursday afternoon, and were able to get all set up with plently of daylight still left. After we pitched the tent, Jason went off to get firewood (found a very nice older couple selling it out on their driveway in the nearby town for next to nothing!) and I got dinner ready on the trusty Coleman stove. Nothing like Spam sandwiches for dinner on a camping trip!

When Jason returned he proceeded to get a roaring fire built, and in no time we were roasting marshmallows and keeping warm from the chilly desert wind that kicked up when the sun went down. We all enjoyed the fire very much, although Stella made me very nervous a few times by getting too close to it. (Note to self: In the future, have a big bucket of water close at hand, just in case of a campfire mishap.)

Stella preferred her marshmallows untoasted, and to have the bag in her posession as well. We were lucky to find 2 little flimsy wire roating sticks in an empty plot nearby, because Joshua Trees do not have branches suitable for roasting anything on, and there is not a stick to be found anywhere around. Add roasting sticks to the list for the next camping trip! We made due though, and ate way too many marshmallows, I am sure. The second night we finished off the bag, and also made popcorn in our handy camping popper, which we enjoyed with hot chocolate. We hve not eaten so much junkfood in a very long time as we did on this trip! But, that's part of camping I suppose. We did the whole trip without a cooler or parishable foods.


  1. Me and Grammy(?)have got to try this with you on our next trip there. In 37 yrs Grammy has only camped out with the family one time...but those girls might be able to get her out there again.. I Love You All! Pops

  2. Can we make it another time though? The next time you come out I will have just given birth, so I don't plan on doing much camping LOL ;)
    As it is, I plan to get an air mattress if we continue to camp through the summer of this pregnancy- the ground was SO hard on me!
    I can't believe Grammy has only gone camping once! We'll have to fix that for sure. You know there is great camping in Georgia too... :D

  3. And Texas too! Pops
