
It hung on longer than we expected, but this afternoon Hazel's loose tooth finally came out. It was starting to really bother her because it was so loose and moving around so much when she ate, so she just went in the bathroom and yanked it out herself! She came running down the hall, yelling "I did it! I did it!" I snapped this picture just then, bloody mouth and all :)

I gave her this Tooth Fairy pocket that I knitted a few days ago, as she did not have anything special to put her tooth in yet. She was thrilled with it, and has carried the pocket and tooth around grinning all evening. I keep seeing her take it out and look at it- she is so proud and excited!!


  1. Way to go, Hazel! I am anxious to see the space in your smile when we see you in Denver!!

  2. You are so cute! I hope the tooth fairy was good to you... Pops
