We switched to using our "good" dishes at most meals a while back- keeping the plastic stuff in the cabinet for the most part. The kids really do a great job with it and we have had very few accidents. Really none of our dishes are what you woul dcall expensive, so it's not a big deal. I like using them and enjoying them. One set is 8 settings that Jason's mom bought us when we got married, and the other is 8 settings from my Grandparents' collection, which I blogged about a few months ago.
Well, it was bound to happen. Hazel was getting out dishes to set the table the other night, and somehow let 2 plates slide off the stack onto the floor. They shattered, of course. And I, of course, lost it. Call it pregnancy hormones, or just plain loosing my cool- but the plates that fell were from my Grandparents' set and the tears just started flowing. Hazel felt absolutely horrible, and by the time I cleaned up the broken pieces I knew that I had to step up and show her that dishes are only dishes- it's not the end of the world. I know that, and I know that they would be less likely to be broken if they were hidden away in the back of the cabinet too. But we would be much less likely to be enjoying them that way, so the risk is worth it to me.
I am sad to say that a fairly thorough Google search has brought up nothing in the way of replacements for these, while I could easily purchase replacements for the other set for around $8 per dinner plate on eBay (of course). All that I have to go on name-wise is a stamp that is on the bottom of a few of the dishes, which reads:
-Dishwasher Safe
-Detergent Proof
-Oven Proof
USPA Approved Glaze
Made in USA
She got them from the grocery store way back in the day, so they aren't listed on china pattern replacement websites (that I can find).
So, if you happen to be browsing the local antiques market and see some of these dishes, I would greatly appreciate 2 dinner plates :) Or maybe 3 or 4, you never know when something might happen...
You are a wonderful Mom! I just love you! Pops