
It's not even in enough to take a picture yet, but today Lyle has that itty-bitty hole in his gums where his first tooth is about to poke through. It's the lower front one on the left side. Hooray! All that drooling has been for a reason.

Pictures to come as soon as I can get one.


  1. yay lyle!! he sprouted one before olena! did you think the amber necklace helped?

  2. It's hard to say- he has been a tiny bit fussier the past few days, but really he is handling it very well. I'm not willing to take it off long enough to see if he gets more crabby- that just seems mean LOL. I have to say he has been the most happy, easy-going baby we've had- who knows if the necklace really has anything to do with it or not.

  3. Could it be he's so pleasant & happy because he's alot like his Dad & Pops? Love You! Pops & Grammy

  4. Good afternoon Lyle,
    I just wanted to tell you I love you and am looking forward to spending time with you in May...Pops

  5. Good afternoon Lyle,
    I just wanted to tell you I love you and am looking forward to spending time with you in May...Pops
