200 days

Jason's terminal leave was officially approved the other day. That means we will be leaving here on October 11th, but he will get paid until December 15th. That will give us plenty of time to get settled, and if we are lucky- he will have a new job and will be earning double pay for much of that time.

SO. Just 200 days left in the desert (notice the newly adjusted ticker to the left there). If the second half of Lyle's first year goes as fast as the first half is going, it will feel like the blink of an eye and ::POOF:: we'll be on our way home.

So much to do though! So much.


  1. You sound like me, but we're not as lucky as you guys. We're not out of here until June of 2008. And we can't wait! I would start a countdown on my blog, but I think it would torment me too much. Maybe when we're under a year like you are. Are you going back to Georgia? It sounds like you all really enjoyed living there. :)

  2. do ya'll have your mind set for sure georgia... there are other pretty places a little closer to family, you know???
    haha... misty
