challenge: summer clothes

No photos of the house this week, but the project is to get the winter clothes put away (properly) and get the summer clothes into the drawers. It's getting warm. And we need to see what fits everyone this year and what is too small so we can send some summer stuff back with Grandma & Grandpa for Ava (it will be warm at some point in Minnesota again!).

Speaking of Grandma & Grandpa, they will be here Saturday night so a little extra cleaning up is on the agenda as well. The less clutter laying around when guests arrive, the better. And I need to prepare the guest room (read: vacuum out the sofa bed) and spit-shine the guest bathroom (or at least find the counter top in there...)


  1. The forecast looks great! We will be very excited to see temps in the 80s!!!

    See you soon....Grandma

  2. awwww must be bliss to break out the summer gear!
