super lyle

He hasn't learned to fly yet (or walk, for that matter...) so Hazel just pushes him around in a little cart.

super lyle

Dumps out the dog's dish faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a really twisty crocodile (when you are trying to change his diaper)! Able to scale the dining room table in a single bound! It's SUPER LYLE!


  1. He is super for sure! And the cutest of super hero's! LyT!

  2. Too cute! Glad he has an awesome side-kick to push him around! :)

  3. Oh my goodness! He's so cute! I cannot wait for Braeden and Lyle to meet. Braeden has a Superman outfit that I just love! He tries to fly in it. No seriously. By jumping off the barstool in the kitchen. Nice huh?

