magna doodle


Here is a drawing Stella did of a mama dog and her pup. She was sure to draw the mama dog's "milks" on her tummy. So sweet!

We have loved our Magna Doodles for many, many years now. We currently own 2 in the large size, and at least one of the little mini ones. And I do recall replacing one of the large ones at some point because it was completely worn out. I think we got the first one when Daisy was a toddler, and they have just been great. One of the things I like the most about them is how quick and easy it is to start over if you make a mistake. Especially for little ones learning to draw, it can be frustrating when they mess up on a picture- but with this toy the mistake is gone and forgotten in just a few seconds, leaving a clean slate with which to start again. Very satisfying.

**In my quick search for a link for this post, I found that Fisher Price no longer makes the Magna Doodle, but instead a similar product called the Doodle Pro (and it can draw colors! Oh my!) The "Original" Magna Doodle can be found through Ohio Art, makers of the Etch-A-Sketch (another fantastic toy which has stood the test of time around here).

1 comment:

  1. That's harlarious! We've had several magna doodles, but my boy is so hard on his things, and they don't have a long life span here.
