i got nothin.

I haven't taken a single photo in 2 days. We have fleas in the house (oh joy!) so I have been running the vacuum and the washer almost non-stop in order to try and get it under control. Grrr. Also, Hazel has Pink Eye. We're using every remedy we know to get that fixed up too. She is upset because she has to miss a field trip to Full Moon Farm today, but she gets to hang out with MawMaw & PawPaw and watch their TV, so she thinks she will manage.

So, photos from the farm on Friday- but until then, here are some random pictures of Lyle's cute hands and feet. Don't you just want to eat them up?!



  1. Hey Jennifer,

    Thanks for you lovely comment on the quilt. It was nice to hear from you.



  2. i DO want to eat them up!!! if they are clean that is...

  3. I'm sorry about Hazels pink eye. I hope it is better today.

  4. Poor Hazel... hope she's better soon.

    and those toes... like little viennese sausages just stuck on to the feet... gobble, gobble! Nothing like baby feet and hands :-)

  5. Pink eye sucks. I know you probably don't want to, but the drops from the doctor work very fast if she's careful not to touch eyes and washes fanatically. We've been through that a few times. and lice. and pin worm. sounds pretty bad, i should probably shut up.
