mystery gift

I got a small package in the mail yesterday from my friend Rebecca. I knew she was sending something but didn't know what, so I smiled when I reached in and felt the familiar softness that is the knitted dishcloth. I love them, I know she loves them- a perfect little gift. The card said she thought of me when she saw the pattern, and that she hoped I could figure out what it was.

So we looked at it, turned it around, looked some more, held it up to the light, turned it over... Jason and I were both stumped.


Is it a mushroom? A hot air balloon?


A butterfly perhaps?

Then Hazel walked in and grabbed it, and proceeded to hold it up to the window in the door of the sun room to see if she can figure it out. It was a complete coincidence that this is the window she picked- it hust happened to be the closest.



Mystery solved!!! Thank you so much Rebecca- it is so great!! It will get lots of use I am sure. And I LOVE the pattern!

Photos from the farm trip are delayed because I forgot to get them off Daisy's camera before she went to bed. Bad Mommy (who stays up too late).


  1. that totally made me lol!
    i knew that it was going to require some serious guess work, i'm glad you finally figured it out.

  2. Totally awesome! That is just way cool- I love the shot of Hazel holding it up to the window with the decal right there! :)

  3. dude thats so easy its a mother with a baby and its so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so easy

  4. That's fantastic! I wouldn't have guessed it without the sticker either.

  5. Have you guys talked about "Lilly"? She's quite, well trained and very sweet! Lance & Monike are too busy! LYT!
