a little more color in our lives


Hazel has been bugging me to color her hair for a while now, and I finally stopped by the store and got the supplies we needed. It turned out GREAT and just really suits her. We were out in public a lot over the weekend and she got a ton of compliments everywhere we went. I look forward to seeing what colors she will pick now that we have a fresh palette of bleached hair to play with! This is Vampire Red from Manic Panic. I just bleached a section of her hair on top of her head, about an inch on either side of her part. That way she gets the look of a lot of color without doing her whole head, and we really like how the dark hair looks underneath too. I just might have to do a little something with mine here soon- this has me itching for more color!



  1. It looks great and so does the cut!

  2. DUDE! Your kid is adorable...It looks fabulous on her.
    love, karla

  3. *gasps* thank you! i know i AM adorable!!!

    i look SMASHING!!!!

  4. I used to have red hair too. It looks good. Tell your dad to deposit those checks for me. Thanks and love dude.
