busy busy

We leave for Texas in ONE week. Between now and then we have 2 work related Christmas parties to attend, one of which involves me baking a cake and making 2 dozen deviled eggs (EEK!); and a Christmas party with our homeschooling group, which involves me baking several dozen cookies for an exchange, getting 3 gifts ready for the kids gift exchange, getting an ornament ready for the mom's gift exchange, and preparing a finger food to share for lunch. Oh yeah and we have to pack for our trip too. And I wanted to have our packages ready to mail to Minnesota too. And I have to finish sewing baby Cali's quilt. And finish one other sewing project plus a couple of dyeing projects. We might need to eat in there somewhere as well HA HA!

I am trying to remember what possessed me to start making all of our Christmas gifts? Or at least why I wait until December to make them all (groan). I really do like doing it, I am just such a bad planner. Well at least I can knit in the car on all the way to texas. (Did I say on the way? I meant all the way...)

Oh yeah, and we need to replace the charger for our digital camera, so there probably won't be any more pictures until after we get back from the trip. Sorry! I'll try to make up for it with lots of cute Christmas pictures.

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