
Stella took a spill this afternoon and has a nice goose egg on her forehead and a fat lip. I'm afraid to see how both look/feel in the morning. It didn't seem to bother her tonight, but that sort of thing always feels worse a day or two later.

She was standing on a dining room chair, facing the back, and somehow tipped enough to send the chair and her face plummeting toward the hard linoleum. I don't think she broke the fall with her hands at all- just her forehead right into the floor. It was so sad- she hasn't cried that hard in a while!

In other news, the white paper chains are threatening to take over the living room now. They are also sprouting red and green balloons attatched with yarn, so it looks like there is a party going on all the time! Daisy and Hazel are feverishly working to get this place decorated, just in time to leave and not get to look at it for 2 weeks. We'll come home to a lot of recycling work I guess!

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