not starting the year out so well!

It is now January 18th, and I finally have my package ready to ship to Minnesota (yes, it has their Christmas gifts in it). I knew I was going to be late with it- but never planned to be this late. Oh well, they are a forgiving bunch :)

What's worse though, is that I still do not have a 2006 calendar on the wall (it should be here today- ordered it from Amazon, but really should have ordered it in December, huh?) and it has messed me up several times already. We are in a strange time-warp mode anyway with Jason gone, and no calendar is NOT helping. It is good there are forgiving people on both sides of our family, because Jason's poor mother had to endure a long phone call with me yesterday, while it was her birthday and that was not why I called and and I didn't even mention it (Doh!) I did realize before it got too late to call her again, and I of course blamed it on the absence of her son and my calendar. Pitiful excuses, I know. We've only been married just under 12 years- you'd think I could remember all these dates one year soon.

So much for being better about getting gifts and birthday wishes out on time this year! Can we just call January a scratch and start the year February 1st instead?

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