wow- single parenting is HARD

Jason left a week ago for an Army school he needed to attend, and will be gone 3 more weeks yet before we see him again. We get to talk to him for a few minutes each night, but never very long. He has a lot of work to complete and there are silly requirements like having your wall locker in perfect order (similar to basic training).

I just cannot believe how busy I have felt since he left! It makes me appreciate him so much more. I really admire single parents who do this all the time- it is so difficult! I suppose the fact that we home school and I am with the children literally ALL day and ALL evening adds to this feeling of no break. We're doing ok, but just having to try and stay close to a schedule in order to get everything done and have a little down time as well. We've eaten out a few times (we usually don't much at all) and Daisy is being a big help with the dishes, which is usually Jason's department.

And I should of course mention how thankful I am that he is only away for a month, as I know many women who have been waiting a year for their husband to return from Iraq, and my little saga doesn't even compare to theirs. I am so glad to be seeing many of those guys slowly trickling back home to rejoin their families. And I keep those families in my thoughts who have suffered the huge loss of their son/husband/father as well. It is unimaginable to me.


  1. Sigh....yup, it's hard, but sounds like you're doing really good! Won't be long. You'll see.

  2. Wish I could be there to help with the dishes! Don't tell the steelworkers, but it really helps my dry hands. Grandpa
