more puppy love

A big milestone this weekend- Georgia figured out how to climb the stairs! Each one is a challenge, and there are 14 steps to get to the top! It is funny to watch her make the climb.

We also had a very good day in the housebreaking area- I only cleaned up 2 puddles in the house. Now to try and get her to stop going potty on the cement patio in the back... at least it is outside though, huh?

Chloe & Georgia are getting along better every day. Chloe never was aggressive or anything, but she was just very unsure of the puppy. Tonight while we ate dinner they wrastled around under the table for a long time- Georgia just kept rolling over and showing her belly and Chloe kept scooting Georgia around with her snout- it was so cute. Chloe must be being gentle too, because Georgia never once yelped or cried. I am SO glad they are becoming friends, that is a big reason we wanted to get a second dog anyway- so that Chloe would have a snuggle mate.

Well here are a bunch more pictures, if you get sick of cute little puppy pictures, let me know! ;)

1 comment:

  1. As long as the pictures include the girls, how could we get tired of seeing more pictures! I am getting anxious to see everyone in person! Only about three weeks to go :)
