broken TV

So we ordered a new TV. A *month* ago. The first one came very promptly, but was all cracked on one corner like it had been dropped. Very disappointing on a Thursday evening when we had several DVD's all lined up to try out on our new wide-screen over the weekend! So we took pictures, emailed them off, and then proceeded to put the TV in it's place as it seemed to be working fine despite the cracked corner. After several phone calls and emails with the company we ordered from, we finally received a replacement TV on Friday- a full month after we got the first one.

Well, wouldn't you know it, the new TV is damaged worse than the first one. And once again, it's the weekend and we can't even call anyone until Monday. So I went ahead and emailed more pictures to accompany my very not-so-nice message to the company we ordered from. We then put the second very heavy TV in place (did I mention it lives UPSTAIRS?) so that we can still use the DVD player while we wait for them to fix the problem. SIGH.

So, the question is, has the money we saved by ordering from some no-name online electronics company been worth it? Jason says we have learned a lesson. Next time we'll order from the little bit bigger, sort of well known, online electronics company. I say we should go to an actual brick and mortar electronics store, and ask to see the TV out of the box before we tote it home ourselves, sure that it is intact.

Oh well, we really like the TV otherwise. It has the VCR and DVD player built in, and it's a widescreen model, which is perfect for us. We do not have any regular television reception at all and no cable or satellite, but we watch a lot of films and prefer the widescreen versions. And those Seinfeld episode DVD's Jason got for Christmas are just larger than life now. It's great! If only we can get a non-cracked TV we'll be in business.

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