puppy love

We got to meet our new puppy on Sunday. Grammy & Pops brought her to us all the way from Texas. She had quite the adventure in her travels! She probably won't see snow that deep again for a long time living with us.

We have named her Georgia, since she is the color of the clay in the ground there (and since it is the best place in the world, why not name her after it?)

She is just an itty bitty thing, weighing close to 3 lb, and loves to be held and snuggled. She cried and complained when we tried to keep her in her cage or on the floor at night so she has managed to sleep snuggled under our covers the last 2 nights and has done just fine. Everyone fights over the right to hold her next, and she is learning to deal with the way Stella carries her around (sometimes upside down). We have taken her with us everywhere as she is just too little to leave at home for long, and she is a definite attention-getter in public!

A very photogenic puppy as well, we cannot stop taking pictures of her! Well she is our new baby anyway, so I guess that's just what people do. So, lots more pictures of Georgia coming soon...

(Don't forget, you can click on the pics in order to see them larger.)


  1. Georgia is the most beautiful place in the world, but that doesn't mean that you have to live there!!! =) If you like dirt that color Oklahoma has some, too!
