
This past weekend we actually got a little taste of real winter right here in the desert. It started out as hail/sleet and actually turned into nice fat snowflakes before it was through. Of course none of it lasted long, but it was pretty cool to watch it coming down over the sandy landscape. And Daisy just couldn't resist getting bundled up and jumping on the trampoline in the snow :)

Unfortunately, this wintery weather in the region also meant 20 inches in Flagstaff, AZ, where Jason's parents were staying in a hotel on their way to see us. They had one delay after another, and battled with more snow than they have ever seen! Thankfully, they made it out and got to us safely. That is an interesting stretch of road, between Texas and here. We ended up taking a detour during our trip out there at Christmas due to ice on the roads in New Mexico. I had no idea the weather was like that in the southwest!

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