new neighbors... again!

Such is Army life I guess. When we moved into this house in June, the next door family (we're actually in a duplex) had just moved in as well. They left in November for Germany though, and a single dad moved in. He was nice enough but I missed having a stay-at-home mom next door.

Well, now that guy moved out (again to Germany!) and the new family signed for their house today. They haven't had their furniture delivered yet, and Jason met them while we were all sick, but I haven't been over. The girls and I baked cookies today though, and hopefully we'll get to meet them tomorrow. They have a little boy slightly older than Stella, and 2 little dogs. Jason thinks she stays at home, so I am excited! Nobody else on this street has even tried talking to us, and I barely see anyone at home during the day. It's an interesting kind of neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's normal around's like you already got to know them from somewhere else or something.
