time drags on

I feel like crap today. Just really really really tired. I just could not shake the groggy feeling after I layed down with Stella for naptime. Usually I nap with her for 30 minutes or so and it really helps me get through the rest of the day, but this afternoon I am just dragging.

I am just telling myself that baby is having a growth spurt today. That would explain it, right?
Only 179 days to go. I've been feeling really great otherwise- this was just a yucky day. I need to go to bed early. Crossing my fingers that the heartburn will stay away tonight so I can do that!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the weeks of illness have caught up to you...it's probably all the extra energy exerted taking care of everyone...I hope you were able to get in a good nights rest...and that you could sleep in too.

    Anything you need...you let me know.
