the names

Well. It's starting to happen. People are bugging us about the names. You all know the drill... we aren't telling. :D Yes, we already have them picked out, and no, we're not spilling it. The boy first and middle name are solidified, and we have a for-sure first name for a girl, although the middle name is still escaping us a bit. There are highly scientific requirements for this particular name, though- so rest assured: we will choose the perfect match for the first name.

Along the same lines, NO we will not be finding out the sex until the birth. Yes, I know everyone thinks we should, but we like not knowing. I also like answering that endlessly repetitive question with, "Well, we're pretty sure it's a baby..." and watching people roll their eyes. HA! And I like- wait, make that LOVE- not getting gender-specific gifts ahead of time (just not a big fan of pale pink OR baby blue) We will all know soon enough. I realize this time is really a big cliff-hanger, considering that we have 3 girls already, but that will just make it that much more exciting when the big day arrives!


  1. You Go Girl! Yeah! So rare to find this kind of excitement and surprise these days.

  2. You are really something! I love your spirit & spunk! (of course you know I don't like if you want to barter with me for some inside info about the names, just let me know...) Pops

  3. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, Pops ;)

  4. Well you may or may not have to change the name of your blog site! We can't wait to see this new little one in action.

    XXX"s and OOO"s
