
After our first night camping at Jashua Tree, we decided to take a drive through the park and see what all there was to do. After stopping at the Visitor's Center and watching a video about the park's history, we set out to find a spot to eat lunch.

We found a picnic area called "Live Oak", and soon discovered why. Back behind the large rock formations, away from the actual picnic tables and parking area, there was a huge oak tree, which looked very out of place in the desert. There must be a spring feeding it or something. We parked and walked down to the area, finding it just perfect for our picnic since there was plenty of shade. There was even a big rock on the ground which served as a very nice tabel for us to spread our food on. We were feasting on authentic Army MRE's that day, which was a novel treat for the girls. It brought back images of Somalia for me, since that is the last time I had eaten one. Jason eats them fairly often at work when he is out in the field during lunchtime. Stella especially enjoyed the fudge brownie.

After we ate, we explored the giant rocks nearby, and the girls found a cool picture frame rock to climb on. It had holes in it just right for them to look through and stand in. We even managed to get them to take a picture of us. It was a really great afternoon- and the best picnic spot ever!

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