visit with friends

We got to host an overnight stay for some new friends this weekend and it went really great. This is a Mom who I have "known" for over a year online, but had never spoken with in real life, even on the phone. They live in the San Francisco area and were traveling to SoCal to visit other friends, so we decided to meet up. Our place was about an 8 hour drive from theirs, so it was when they would need to stop for the night anyway. Jason had his reservations about having people we really didn't know stay in our home, but I assured him that they were very nice people. I have had lots of email and IM contact with the mom, and we have even swapped handmade items through the mail.

They arrived about 5:30 Friday night and we had a great time fixing dinner, eating and visiting. Their little 2 year old daughter and Stella hit is off fabulously and all the girls played hard all evening! In the morning we had breakfast and then the kids got to play in the backyard in the kiddy pool and on the trampoline with the sprinklers, since the weather was nice and warm. We all had so much fun and hated to see them go.

It is very nice to meet people after communicating online, it reaffirms to me that there really are such nice people in this world and that everyone on the internet are not just a bunch of wierdos. It was a wonderful visit, and now we have a place to crash when we go up to SF! Very nice!

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