first day at the pool

It has suddenly become very hot here. Well, not 115 yet, but hot enough to swim. Over 90. And the pool here on post is open again, after being closed for several weeks to take the roof off (they cover it for winter use) and for maintenance. They replaced the bottom of the pool and it was heavenly! Last year the bottom was all yucky and torn, with pieces scraping against your feet, etc. The new bottom was very nice and smooth and looked great!

The girls had a nice time swimming- Hazel is getting herself reacquainted with the water after doing realy well in lessons last year. Daisy is like a fish, and even did a couple of laps in the lap lanes- a great workout for her as they go into the deep water and she has no choice but to swim, swim, swim! Stella loved the pool- all fear was gone from last year.

I think lessons will be in order again for at least Hazel and Stella, and Daisy might really benefit too and learn some real strokes, etc. if we give her another go. $25 each isn't bad for 2 weeks solid (5 days a week). They improved by leaps and bounds last year.

Jason joined us during his lunch break for a meal of PB&J sandwiches and apples. By the time he had to go, the kids were anxious to get back in the water. It really did feel great today- I hate swimming when the water is too cold. I am sporting my maternity bathing suit (don't hold your breath waiting for a picture of THAT though...) and wondering how I will be able to take the kids to the pool next year with a babe in tow. Stella just needs to learn to swim- and that's that. I just can't hold them both.

And one day, somewhere in the distant future, I might get to take my kids to the pool and actually be able to swim myself, instead of constantly holding someone. Ahhh. That will be nice!


  1. I was just thinking we all needed to go swimming today...or tomorrow for a meeting, but got to go to V-ville, so maybe Wednesday?

  2. If we can't get pictures of you in your maternity swimsuit, how about pictures of the girls in their swimsuits!

  3. Yeah S- the girls were saying we needed to do it for Playgroup- they don't open the slide, etc. until 1 pm anyway and we went before lunch, so Daisy was disappointed.

    We will definitley get pics of the girls in their suits soon! I didn't even think to drag the camera to the pool yesterday, but they are wearing them almost daily at home too.
