20 weeks

Well, halfway through, I am feeling great and FINALLY started to feel the baby move on a daily basis this past week. It gets stronger every day! A little heartburn is my only complaint at this point, but that is completely expected (all that hair my babies are born with you know) and manageable.

I am really enjoying my self portrait project, and getting more pictures of myself pregnant than I have from the other 3 children collectively! I am really glad to have them.


  1. What a treasure...you could so totally frame that!

  2. Beautiful picture, and hooray for the wiggly baby!

  3. that is an awesome picture esp since you took it yourself. way to go!! i wish we lived closer so you could take some of me like that. anyways, you look good.
    talk to you soon...misty

  4. You look amazing! Pops
